Contact Southern Comfort Charters
Best Fishing Charters in Hypoluxo and Boynton Beach, FL
Call To Schedule Your Trip Now!
For Driving Directions in Google Maps:
The Palm Beach Yacht Center
7848 S. Federal Highway
Hypoluxo, Florida 33462
Phone : 561-585-4475
E-mail: [email protected]
PLEASE NOTE: This email is not to be used for scheduling or canceling of reservations.
If assistance is needed, please contact us at (561) 585.4475.
We look forward to seeing you fish with us.

Detailed Directions
From the North: Take I-95 South Take the Hypoluxo Road Exit – Exit 60 Turn left onto Hypoluxo Road Turn right onto S. Dixie Highway / S. Federal Hwy. Travel approximately 1 mile on S. Dixie Highway/S. Federal Hwy 7848 S. Federal Hwy./Palm Beach Yacht Center is on your left.
IMPORTANT! PLEASE FOLLOW THESE NEXT DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY TO FIND US INSIDE THE MARINA! Upon entering the marina, there will be a large marina sign, IMMEDIATELY TURN LEFT AFTER YOU PAST THE EDGE OF THE SIGN, and follow along the front of the building that says “ BOAT SALES”. Take it all the way to the end and there will be a second entrance, (north entrance) by the hedges and make a right, follow the road straight back to the water. There’s plenty of free parking. We are the first two vessels straight ahead of you. Please check in ticket office with the red tin roof. Thank you! Call if needing further assistance 561-585-4475.
From the South: Take I-95 North Take the Gateway Blvd Exit – Exit 59 Turn right onto E. Gateway Blvd. Turn left onto N. Federal Hwy. 7848 S. Federal Hwy. (Palm Beach Yacht Center) is on the right.
IMPORTANT! PLEASE FOLLOW THESE NEXT DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY TO FIND US INSIDE THE MARINA! Upon entering the marina, there will be a large marina sign, IMMEDIATELY TURN LEFT AFTER YOU PAST THE EDGE OF THE SIGN, and follow along the front of the building that says “ BOAT SALES”. Take it all the way to the end and there will be a second entrance, (north entrance) by the hedges and make a right, follow the road straight back to the water. There’s plenty of free parking. We are the first two vessels straight ahead of you. Please check in ticket office with the red tin roof. Thank you! Call if needing further assistance 561-585-4475.
Questions or Comments
PLEASE NOTE: This form is not to be used for scheduling or canceling of reservations.
For Booking a Charter Please Call The Office.